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Prof. Dr. Stefan Tai

© Oliver Elsner

Prof. Dr. Stefan Tai: Demystifying the cloud: Why the cloud works the way it does

Clouds haben viele Vorteile für ihre Nutzer. Um App-Entwicklern zu helfen, hat die TU Berlin diese Vorteile genauer untersucht.

Demystifying the Cloud – Cloud services have proven to be essential for a diversity of applications. High availability, elastic scalability, and other critical system requirements, along with cost efficiency, can be achieved by using the cloud. But what exactly is “quality of service” in this context, and what quality are you getting when using some cloud service? In our research, we study various quality attributes of cloud services and are interested in measuring and benchmarking quality from a service consumer perspective. In particular, we aim to provide non-trivial insights into typically unknown qualities such as data consistency of replicated cloud storage systems or the performance impact of secured communication. We argue that application engineering can significantly benefit from such insights.

Zur Person

Technische Universität Berlin, Head of Chair Information Systems Engineering

Stefan Tai ist Professor an der TU Berlin und forscht zu IT-Systemen der nächsten Generation, die helfen sollen, sich relevanten Problemen und den Herausforderungen unserer heutigen Gesellschaft anzunehme. Seine Forschung hat den Schwerpunkt “Design and assessment of industry-scale cloud systems and services”.




Cloud services Quality Benchmarking

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