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New in Berlin

You're new in Berlin? What's the best neighbourhood for you? What's worth a visit? Here you'll find information for your new life in the German capital: Read about Berlin life, networking and lifestyle.

Aktuelle Artikel


There are many ways to move around the big city - and just as many modes of transport. These recommendations will help you to get where you need to go.

Von Stefan Jacobs
Berlin cook Tim Raue. Ranked at number 34 in the best restaurants of the world.

Berlin's culinary scene is as diverse and unique as the city itself. There's everything from street food to Michelin-starred cuisine and even fancy dining at non-fancy prices

Von Lars von Törne
335.000 Students attend schools in Berlin. 1/3 of the students don't speak german as their mother-tongue.

Berlin-bound families with children should factor in schools when looking for a home. The closest schools are not always the best, and the best are often highly competitive and much in demand.

Von Susanne Vieth-Entus
Taschendiebe auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt

Time and again, Berlin hits the headlines with spectacular crime stories - but police statistics show that serious crime is actually quite rare in the capital. Theft, on the other hand, is going up - so locals and newcomers alike should keep an eye on their bikes and apartments.

Von Barbara Nolte
Stephan Wiehler Redakteur Verlag Der Tagesspiegel Askanischer Platz Berlin / Kreuzberg

New in Berlin? You're not alone. In 2015, the German capital gained 47.990 new residents - that's the equivalent of an entire medium-sized city. And the newcomers' new ideas have made the city grow all the more. Welcome! Berlin is an open city with space for new people and their plans.

Von Stephan Wiehler
86% of 1.63 million apartements in Berlin are rental ones.

The Berlin real estate market is booming. Every year, 10.000 new apartments are being built and demand is still growing. To buy or not to buy, that is the question.

Von Ralf Schönball